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What does the real Australia mean to you ?

What does the real Australia mean to you? What do you think about the current state of Australia? What upsets you about Australia? What is your vision for Australia's future? What makes you proud to be Australian?


The Real Australia Project is an historic media project to discover the true voice of the real Australia...


The purpose of the real Australia project is to allow the voice of real Australian's to be heard.
It is  an opportunity to allow the people of this great nation to contribute towards shaping the course of its future.

Our simple questionnaire lays the foundation for the voice of Australia to speak for itself. By asking every Australian 5 simple questions we will begin to discover what the real Australia means to us.


Most importantly the Real Australia Project allows it to be made known what issues are truly in the hearts and minds of the Australian People. Our core beleif is that people's opinions should be heard from themselves and not on their behalf.


Because we believe that a true democracy doesn't end after an election. It is an endless, ongoing process where THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE dictates the course of a nation.

The Real Australia Project enables data to be collected which allows the opinions, beliefs and feelings of real Australian's to be measured against the policies and laws that are made in their name on local, national and global levels.


This project is independant, unbiased and not driven by or in affiliation with ANY POLITICAL PARTY.

Once the voices of the real Australia are gathered systematically we have the opportunity to solidify the message, beliefs and will of the real Australia.






Answer from your heart.


Speak Up Now!


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